Il Cielo Itinerante | Italia Brilla
Fondazione Italia Patria della Bellezza has chosen Italia Brilla, one of three projects selected for the economic compensation for the 2023. The nonprofit association Il Cielo Itinerante aims to bring children in situations of social hardship and educational poverty closer to studying STEAM subjects.
Our country ranks last in Europe in science testing – only Slovakia and Greece rank lower – with one of the largest declines in recent years among OECD countries. Il Cielo Itinerante recognizes the alarming lack of science skills and promotes the benefits of math: from cognitive and metacognitive development to unlimited practical applications in everyday life, this subject stimulates creativity and critical thinking, essential skills in today’s world.
Operating in areas identified through the results of the Invalsi Tests, the selected project organizes astronomical observations and interactive workshops with science educators. Exposing children to space gives them an opportunity to become interested in science subjects while encouraging a self-portrayal which goes beyond their socioeconomic backgrounds. Italia Brilla-Constellation 2022 allowed 2,000 children in 60 Italian cities to participate in interactive workshops and sky observations. For the 2023 edition, Il Cielo Itinerante aims to increase the impact of the initiative by taking the sky where one cannot usually see it.