Mus-e Italia
This project reflects the Foundation’s vocation for training and its focus on education for children.
Mus-e Italia Onlus has a high-profile goal: to bring art (music, dance, theatre, visual arts) to those primary schools that are struggling the most, to ensure that all children have the opportunity to discover beauty, which becomes a means to generate inclusion, empathy, and trust in oneself and others.
The project presented in the call issued by the Italia Land of Beauty Foundation provides for a reassessment of the association’s (offline and online) communication, with the aim of improving it in order to attract new stakeholders and supporters.
To date, the Mus-e network has 13 offices throughout Italy: a network that manages to involve around 12,800 children and 578 primary and nursery schools each year, from Turin to Lecce, Brescia to Genoa, Naples to Reggio Emilia, Rome to Bologna and many other Italian cities.
Mus-e has always been committed to bringing artistic workshops to those classes most at risk, and those suburbs, isolated environments, and territories with the greatest social disparities. Artists encourage children to be creative, to express themselves and use their imaginations, helping them to discover beauty even where it is hardest to find.